Bylaw 14/2024 St. Albert West Area Structure Plan (2nd & 3rd Reading) To be conducted as a hybrid in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, St. Albert Place, 5 St. Anne Street and virtual via Zoom during the Regular Meeting of Council scheduled for 2:00 pm on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. In accordance with Section 692 of the Municipal Government Act a Public Hearing has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 for Bylaw 14/2024. Bylaw 14/2024, if passed, would adopt the new St. Albert West Area Structure Plan (ASP), amend the North Ridge Phase 2 ASP, and repeal the Cherot ASP. The intent is for the Cherot ASP to become a Neighbourhood Plan. Details of the above Bylaw may be obtained by emailing A copy of the proposed bylaw may also be accessed on the City of St. Albert website, Public Hearings Events page calendar/public-hearings/ at the link to the September 3, 2024 Public Hearing. Speaking to City Council at the Public Hearing Unless otherwise indicated in the advertising and notification for the Public Hearing, individuals or Groups wishing to address Council on their own behalf at a Public Hearing from a remote location by electronic means of communication must register with Legislative Services at hearings@ by 11:00 AM on the day of the Public Hearing if the Public Hearing is being conducted either electronically or as a hybrid meeting with option of participating electronically. Where a Public Hearing offers the option to address Council in person, individuals and Groups wishing to address Council on their own behalf in person at the Public Hearing may register with Legislative Services at up to one hour prior to the commencement of the Public Hearing and additionally a sign-in sheet will be available at the entrance to Council chambers for individuals and Groups who have not previously registered but wish to address Council on their own behalf in person at the Public Hearing. Individuals wishing to address Council in the capacity of Agent for one or more other persons at a Public Hearing, whether by electronic means of communication or in person where that format is available, must: a) register with Legislative Services at by 3:30 p.m. on the Friday preceding the Public Hearing, or by 3:30 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the Public Hearing if the Friday preceding the Public Hearing is a statutory holiday, declaring their intention to act as an Agent at the Public Hearing; and b) submit a separate, completed, and signed Agent Declaration form, which may be obtained from Legislative Services at for each affected party that they will be representing. An Agent Declaration form must be signed and dated by BOTH the individual being represented AND the representing Agent and must be submitted to Legislative Services at no later than 11:00 a.m. on September 3, 2024. NOTE: Members of the public may speak for up to five minutes. This does not include the time to respond to questions from Members. Written Submissions Whether or not an individual is making a verbal presentation at a Public Hearing, the following rules govern how written submissions to Council must be made with respect to the Public Hearing: a) written submissions must be emailed to Legislative Services at no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Written submissions received by this deadline will be included in the meeting Agenda Package that is distributed to Council members and posted on the City’s public website. It is open to members of the public who have missed the written submission deadline to register to speak at the Public Hearing; b) written submissions received either by administration or Councillors after the deadline noted above will not be considered by Council at the Public Hearing; and c) written submissions must include the name of the person making the submission. For further information regarding the Public Hearing, please see Schedule E, of Procedure Bylaw 24/2022 on the City of St. Albert website, at the link to Bylaws. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act If you submit comments on Bylaw 14/2024 either orally or in writing, the information you provide may be recorded in the minutes of the Public Hearing, or otherwise be made public, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. DATES OF GAZETTE PUBLICATION: August 15, 2024 and August 22, 2024